Building Competency in Diabetes Education THE ESSENTIALS
• Then evaluate daytime basal doses for each meal period: o Evaluate one time segment at a time – morning, afternoon and evening. o There are two possible ways to evaluate basal insulin replacement.
▪ Test before the meal, two hours after the meal and then every hour for the next four to five hours (with no bolus correction, food or CHO intake in between). This allows usual food intake, but does not entirely eliminate the effect of the food intake and meal bolus taken.
BG Before meal CHO amount
CHO amount Low Fat No alcohol No exercise
BG 2 hrs after meal
BG 3 hrs
BG 4 hrs
BG 5 hrs
Adapted from Animas Insulin Pump Workbook (2008) (94) • This method omits the meal and tests the basal rates for that meal period without the confounding influence of meal doses. Do each meal period testing for at least two days to evaluate the basal rate properly. There should be no correction bolus in the time before assessment.
Morning: Test every hour x four hours or until next meal
BG Wake up Skip breakfast Start of assessment
BG Hour 1
BG Hour 2
BG Hour 3
BG Hour 4
Date/ Time
Adapted from Animas Insulin Pump Workbook (2008) (128)
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