Building Competency in Diabetes Education THE ESSENTIALS


o Planning conception or pregnancy. o Intense exercise or activity. • The personal indications for pump therapy are as follows: o Shift work. o Erratic lifestyle. o Frequent travel through time zones. • There are a number of patient attributes that are predictive of success with pump therapy: e for glycemic control and more flexible lifestyle. gness to: Monitor BG levels at least four times daily. ▪ Carbohydrate count. ▪ Adjust insulin doses according to carbohydrate content, activity and life events. ▪ Record or download and analyze data. ▪ Follow up with DHC team. o Psychological stability. o Realistic expectations. o Adequate financial resources, if coverage is not available. o Good support system. o Demonstrates problem-solving abilities and engages in all diabetes self- management behaviours. o Technical ability and comfort wearing a device. Making adjustments • when using CSII several basal rates can be set. However it is strongly advised to start with only one basal rate. • Implement additional basal rates based on BG results and varying according to diurnal insulin needs. o Lower basal rates between 11 PM and 3 or 4 AM and higher needs between 3 AM to 9 AM to deal with the dawn phenomenon (80). o o Desir Willin ▪

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