Building Competency in Diabetes Education THE ESSENTIALS


Hypoglycemia • An optional feature, “auto-off”, is designed to shut the pump off if it has not been touched for a certain period of time (this period or number of hours is determined by the individual and programmed into the pump). It assumes the person has a low BG level and will alert when the pump has not been touched for the predetermined period of time and, if no corrective action is taken, will stop all insulin delivery. • Again, a temporary basal may help in hypoglycemic situations, especially if a significant amount of active insulin remains. Using a temporary basal of zero for a set period of time is preferred over suspending the pump. This reduces the risk of the pump being suspended for an indefinite amount of time and the user forgetting to resume it. Site care • A site change is recommended every two to three days. Site infections may occur if an aseptic technique is not observed or if the person attempts to use a site for an extended period of time. Lipohypertrophy may also be a complication when insertion sites are not rotated. (45) • A variety of infusion sets for each pump are available. Advantages and disadvantages of each should be explained. Special issues • Options for wearing the pump include belt clips, waist straps, holster-style pockets under clothes, in a bra or boot, etc. Depending on the pump, a meter remote is used to deliver bolus insulin and/or change pump settings. The pump itself does not need to be handled. Others require you to handle the pump. • The pump can be disconnected for intimate times. This depends on the person and their partner. If the pump is removed, some people find it helpful to set an alarm should they fall asleep before reconnecting.

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