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Competitors The primary competitor for ALK is Stallergenes Greer who make Oralair (http://www. oralair.com/) and NovartisGenentech who make Xolair (https://www.xolair.com/) and the INCS and antihistamine providers Timeline ALK will be attending the CSACI National meeting in Montreal from October 23 to 27. This would be an ideal time to have the website live (even if further pages of the site are to be pushed live after this date). Criteria for Success The initial goal of this website is to build an audience that will return to the website on a regular basis for information related to allergy immunotherapy. In the first year, criteria for success are as follows:
- Total number of visitors to the website - Growth rate for visitors - Impressions, Reach, Acquisition and Conversion - CTA (Call to Action) clicks
Other criteria may be identified during the website development phase.
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